Ringraziamo gli autori di queste immagini utilizzate negli articoli presenti sul nostro sito / We would like to say thank you to the authors of the following pictures that are published in our pages.
- Immagini libere ottenute da Unsplash / Freely available images retrieved from Unsplash
- photo1 and photo2 by Josh Applegate
- photo by James Coleman
- photo by David Vilches
- photo by Sammie Vasquez
- photo by Benjamin Davies
- photo by Austin Kehmeier
- photo by Kon Karampelas
- photo by Patricia Prudente
- photo by Sincerely Media
- photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi
- photo by Ben White
- photo by Annie Spratt
- photo by Anshu A
- photo by Markus Winkler
- photo by Luma Pimentel
- photo by Waldemar Brandt
- photo by The Bialons
- photo by David Beale
- photo by Henry Be
- photo by Aaron Burden
- photo by Ashwin Vaswani
- Icone ottenute da Flaticon / Icons obtained from Flaticon
- lottery icons created by Aranagraphics – Flaticon
Ringraziamo anche WordPress per il sotware CMS / Also thank you to WordPress for the CMS software.
Infine ringraziamo per il tema utlizzato / Finally thank you for the used theme to:
- Dream-Theme
- The 7
- e agli autori dei diversi plugin embedded / and to the authors of the different embedded plugins.